Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How to beat summer boredom #1

Otay, my lovelies, this is the first part of my How To Beat Summer Boredom series. I got most of these ideas off of because I was stumped on this topic too when my friend asked me what we should do yesterday. And by looking at these I have found that you can bring out your inner child that EVERYONE has. So here we go.
#1 Beat The Heat

  • Go to the pool and play some pool games like Chicken (two people put one person on their shoulders and the two on the shoulders try to knock the other off with hands), Marco polo, play a sport in the pool like volleyball or basketball, swimming races, search for things on the bottom like pennies, or underwater acrobatics. 
  • Have water fights with water balloons or water guns.
  • Turn on the sprinklers and run through them and play games with the added challenge of a sprinkler. For example, tag, red rover, or hide-and-go-seek tag. You can also put the sprinkler under the trampoline and play games like crack the egg, and dead man.
  • You can always make a fort outside to keep you out of the shade too. You can use light sheets and chairs, tables, couch cushions, etc. Then you can lounge with maybe a cold beverage, fan, book, or just take a nap. 
  • This is something me and my neighborhood friend made up. We would ride our bikes up and down the street while one person would hold the hose and try spray us when we rode past the yard, then we would switch off every so often. that was a really great way to cool off. 
  • And of course there is always making Popsicles, chocolate covered fruit, and any frozen treats. What I like to do is put my yogurt in the freezer, YUM
Otay guys, I hope that gave you a little inspiration. On this part I just focused on beating the heat because there are so many things that can revolve around that topic, but I promise my next part is going to have a variety of topics. Of course, if you try any of these out be sure and let me know or if you have any suggestions, I love to read them. Follow me on twitter for updates on future posts. Ciao! :*

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