Saturday, August 2, 2014

TMI tag!

Sorry guys I have been so long! I was busy with stuff for the San Francisco Mission Trip I went on. It was incredible, but this isn't 'bout that. I promise I'll do something on that later, though. Now on to the TMI tag...

1: What are you wearing?
I am wearing a big t-shirt that has the number 7 on it and some Seattle Seahawks sweats...pretty lame I know. 
2: Ever been in love?
No, not "technically" as others might think, but in my head, yes. Peeta Mellark are very happy together just in case you were wondering.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Yes -_- after 9 months. Let's just say that I really despise him now. 
4: How tall are you?
I am very short for 15. I am only 5' :/ and yes I get told everyday since kindergarten, so you don't have to.
5: How much do you weigh?
Honestly, I really don't know. I don't go to the doctor that much and who seriously owns a scale. Maybe I'll try and get one someday.
6: Any tattoos?
No, I am only 15 but my mom says that when I am 16 I can get one. Which i plan on doing. I'm going to get a plain cross at the end of the thumb on my right and left hands like a friend of mine did.
7: Any piercings?

Just my normal ears that I got when I was 3 months old! But for a while i wanted my nose piercing. 

8: OTP?

-_- really? Everlark duh! and if you don't know what that're missing out man!
9: Favorite show?
Wow. I don't know. The Fosters and Switched At Birth (both on ABC family), Duck Dynasty (A&E), Nashville (on ABC), Ridiculousness (MTV), Property Brothers (HGTV), Love it or List it (HGTV), and everything really on HGTV and the Food Network. I can't choose, sorry.
10: Favorite bands?
One Republic and The Script definitely, but if you were to ask me my favorite artists...that we be just too long to mention. After all I don't want to bore you too much more than I already am and it'll just fry my brain.
11: Something you miss?
My hometown, Middleton and my grandma:/ I now live in the city area of Idaho, but my roots will always be a small country town. Always:*
12: Favorite song?
Who can pick their favorite song seriously?! Well literally at the moment I am listening to Try by Colbie Caillat and let me tell you...Oh My Goodness! I love it. And also Stay With Me by Sam Smith, Everything Hunter Hayes -of course, and everything Hunter Parrish, Dierks Bentley's new album Riser, and Stay Gold by Stevie Wonder definitely! The Outsiders baby!
13: How old are you?
15 years of age since April-_-
14: Zodiac sign?
Aries which is weirdly the definition of me considering I don't believe in that stuff...hmmm
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
Definitely someone who is aware of other peoples feelings. Someone who doesn't judge or make jokes that take it too far to make them feel uncomfortable.
16: Favorite Quote?
"They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them."-Mahatma Gandhi
I love this because like most, I am insecure at times especially when someone that does the opposite of what I just said. So every time I turn my back, feeling embarrassed, sad, or insecure, I read that in my head and I instantly hold my head high and smile at them because we love thy enemies right?
17: Favorite actor?
Oh gosh... Josh Hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence, Greg Kinnear, Dennis Quaid, Donald Sutherland,Woody Harrelson, Miles Teller, and so many more!
18: Favorite color?
It has always blue. Any kind of blue too.
19: Loud music or soft?
Soft when I'm alone or studying. Loud in the car or cleaning. So both.
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
Outside and sit in my truck when I'm really sad.
21: How long does it take you to shower?
15-20 minutes but i take them in the morning to wake me up so I just sit there for the first few minutes hah anyone else?
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Depends on what I do. Most the time I don't put makeup on so that takes me maybe 20 minutes at the most but I have gotten ready in three minutes for school before to catch the bus. No Joke.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
Yes, but that's just because I am a boxer so if that counts.
24: Turn on?
Kindness. So when they help out anyone from a child with coloring in the lines to an elderly woman across the street or a homeless veteran on the street. 
25: Turn off?
OOOOO when they say something like "go kill yourself" even as a joke like stupid kids like to say these days. I immediately write them off when they say something rude along those lines.
26: The reason I joined Blogging?
hmmm....probably because I like a lot of things and try a lot of things and people have told me i have good taste in things and i see a lot of good ideas that people may miss out on.
27: Fears?
Spiders, elevators, and getting my hair cut. Spiders are just...duh. I don't like being trapped therefore elevators and the fact that I have never been on a ferris wheel. And getting my hair cut because when i was 5-6 my mom cut my bangs crooked and from then on I hate it.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
A movie last night. The only hint I'll give is it was a Nicholas Sparks movie. They always get me okay! I'm an actor so I'm emotional okay! Give me a break!
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
I'm pretty sure my mom.
30: Meaning behind your Blog Name?
I see beauty in everything duh. Whether I see it in cosmetics, clothes, places/architecture, colors, music, films, art, nature, tastes, stories, ect. I always notice it and most the time will always make a comment on it. For example, I went to San Francisco recently and 80% of the pictures I took of are the architecture.
31: Last book you read?
The 4th book of The Mortal Intruments (which is also shortened down to TMI HAHA) series, City of Lost Souls.
32: The book you’re currently reading?
The last installment of the TMI series (haha) City of Heavenly Angels. I got it when it first came out at the end of May. "But that's almost 3 months to read a book, Sierra." I know, I know. It's not that it's boring; I read the last 4 in 2 months, I think so they're definitely not boring. It's just that I am so lazy in the summer, It's kind of ridiculous. But it's really amazing. In fact after this, I will go read it. Good job, Sierra! *pats on back*
33: Last show you watched?
Is it bad that at the moment, while doing this, I'm watching Keeping Up With The Kardashions? I don't even like the Kardashions! Any of them, really. No offense to them, but I'm just not into that life. There's just so much drama and nothing else on tv!
34: Last person you talked to?
In person, it was me telling my dad "I told you so." And over the phone, it was chatting with a guy named Trevor. Tha's all I'm gonna say bout that.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
One of my bff's named Ali. Hehe;) And I said 'It's cool' because I couldn't get my permit the day i wanted to. Boring, I know, but you wanted it okay. 
36: Favorite food?
Who has a favorite food? I have a favorite kind of food which is Italian. Who doesn't love Italian food? 
37: Place you want to visit?
Easy, Peru. I have wanted to see Machu Picchu since I was in 6th grade. I studied the country 3 years in a row when I was in school voluntarily because I loved it so much.
38: Last place you were?
I really don't know what this could mean. Well the last place i visited was San Francisco and Oakland if that is what that is asking then yeah, those.
39: Do you have a crush?
Nope. Not at all because all the guys at my school and that live around me are jerks. I could have used better descriptions, but those weren't any bit appropriate.
40: Last time you kissed someone?
About 7 months ago-_- Don't judge.
41: Last time you were insulted?
Today by my sister. Erg, siblings.
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
Ummm okay...? I like vanilla stuff.I really don't know what they are referring to. If you get it, tell me in the comments.
43: What instruments do you play??
I play the flute and the piano. Yeah!
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
My cross necklace ->

Pretty simple.
45: Last sport you played?
Boxing, yes I'm a boxer.
46: Last song you sang?
'It takes a man' by Chris Young. Country all the way, y'all
47: Favorite chat up line?
I'm guessing they mean pickup line. So, none. Well, that's not true; Ali and I were goofing off on Tinder and she told me to tell this match, and I quote, "Hey you lie pepsi, I like pepsi, let's get married." That was pretty funny. I don't even like pepsi!
48: Have you ever used it?
Uh, yeah-_-
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
I hung out with Ali a few days ago.
50: Who should answer these questions next?
Um...I think Ian from Smosh on youtube should because we know a lot bout Anthony form him and Kalel's vlog channel, but we don't know hardly anything bout Ian. So if any of you know Ian Hecox, tell him lol:D

Okay guys, that's it. Hoped you liked it and if you think I should do any more tags let me know in the comments. Also, answer some of these questions in the comments because I want to get to know you guys! Ciao, lovelies:*

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