Thursday, October 9, 2014


I'm sorry guys I've been gone so long! We switch our internet provider and it took a while for us to do that. But I am back full-time now!:) Oh and I also changed my twitter name it's now @AmazedbyBeauty so it'll be easier for you guys :) I love ya'll, ciao:*

Saturday, August 2, 2014

TMI tag!

Sorry guys I have been so long! I was busy with stuff for the San Francisco Mission Trip I went on. It was incredible, but this isn't 'bout that. I promise I'll do something on that later, though. Now on to the TMI tag...

1: What are you wearing?
I am wearing a big t-shirt that has the number 7 on it and some Seattle Seahawks sweats...pretty lame I know. 
2: Ever been in love?
No, not "technically" as others might think, but in my head, yes. Peeta Mellark are very happy together just in case you were wondering.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Yes -_- after 9 months. Let's just say that I really despise him now. 
4: How tall are you?
I am very short for 15. I am only 5' :/ and yes I get told everyday since kindergarten, so you don't have to.
5: How much do you weigh?
Honestly, I really don't know. I don't go to the doctor that much and who seriously owns a scale. Maybe I'll try and get one someday.
6: Any tattoos?
No, I am only 15 but my mom says that when I am 16 I can get one. Which i plan on doing. I'm going to get a plain cross at the end of the thumb on my right and left hands like a friend of mine did.
7: Any piercings?

Just my normal ears that I got when I was 3 months old! But for a while i wanted my nose piercing. 

8: OTP?

-_- really? Everlark duh! and if you don't know what that're missing out man!
9: Favorite show?
Wow. I don't know. The Fosters and Switched At Birth (both on ABC family), Duck Dynasty (A&E), Nashville (on ABC), Ridiculousness (MTV), Property Brothers (HGTV), Love it or List it (HGTV), and everything really on HGTV and the Food Network. I can't choose, sorry.
10: Favorite bands?
One Republic and The Script definitely, but if you were to ask me my favorite artists...that we be just too long to mention. After all I don't want to bore you too much more than I already am and it'll just fry my brain.
11: Something you miss?
My hometown, Middleton and my grandma:/ I now live in the city area of Idaho, but my roots will always be a small country town. Always:*
12: Favorite song?
Who can pick their favorite song seriously?! Well literally at the moment I am listening to Try by Colbie Caillat and let me tell you...Oh My Goodness! I love it. And also Stay With Me by Sam Smith, Everything Hunter Hayes -of course, and everything Hunter Parrish, Dierks Bentley's new album Riser, and Stay Gold by Stevie Wonder definitely! The Outsiders baby!
13: How old are you?
15 years of age since April-_-
14: Zodiac sign?
Aries which is weirdly the definition of me considering I don't believe in that stuff...hmmm
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
Definitely someone who is aware of other peoples feelings. Someone who doesn't judge or make jokes that take it too far to make them feel uncomfortable.
16: Favorite Quote?
"They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them."-Mahatma Gandhi
I love this because like most, I am insecure at times especially when someone that does the opposite of what I just said. So every time I turn my back, feeling embarrassed, sad, or insecure, I read that in my head and I instantly hold my head high and smile at them because we love thy enemies right?
17: Favorite actor?
Oh gosh... Josh Hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence, Greg Kinnear, Dennis Quaid, Donald Sutherland,Woody Harrelson, Miles Teller, and so many more!
18: Favorite color?
It has always blue. Any kind of blue too.
19: Loud music or soft?
Soft when I'm alone or studying. Loud in the car or cleaning. So both.
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
Outside and sit in my truck when I'm really sad.
21: How long does it take you to shower?
15-20 minutes but i take them in the morning to wake me up so I just sit there for the first few minutes hah anyone else?
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Depends on what I do. Most the time I don't put makeup on so that takes me maybe 20 minutes at the most but I have gotten ready in three minutes for school before to catch the bus. No Joke.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
Yes, but that's just because I am a boxer so if that counts.
24: Turn on?
Kindness. So when they help out anyone from a child with coloring in the lines to an elderly woman across the street or a homeless veteran on the street. 
25: Turn off?
OOOOO when they say something like "go kill yourself" even as a joke like stupid kids like to say these days. I immediately write them off when they say something rude along those lines.
26: The reason I joined Blogging?
hmmm....probably because I like a lot of things and try a lot of things and people have told me i have good taste in things and i see a lot of good ideas that people may miss out on.
27: Fears?
Spiders, elevators, and getting my hair cut. Spiders are just...duh. I don't like being trapped therefore elevators and the fact that I have never been on a ferris wheel. And getting my hair cut because when i was 5-6 my mom cut my bangs crooked and from then on I hate it.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
A movie last night. The only hint I'll give is it was a Nicholas Sparks movie. They always get me okay! I'm an actor so I'm emotional okay! Give me a break!
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
I'm pretty sure my mom.
30: Meaning behind your Blog Name?
I see beauty in everything duh. Whether I see it in cosmetics, clothes, places/architecture, colors, music, films, art, nature, tastes, stories, ect. I always notice it and most the time will always make a comment on it. For example, I went to San Francisco recently and 80% of the pictures I took of are the architecture.
31: Last book you read?
The 4th book of The Mortal Intruments (which is also shortened down to TMI HAHA) series, City of Lost Souls.
32: The book you’re currently reading?
The last installment of the TMI series (haha) City of Heavenly Angels. I got it when it first came out at the end of May. "But that's almost 3 months to read a book, Sierra." I know, I know. It's not that it's boring; I read the last 4 in 2 months, I think so they're definitely not boring. It's just that I am so lazy in the summer, It's kind of ridiculous. But it's really amazing. In fact after this, I will go read it. Good job, Sierra! *pats on back*
33: Last show you watched?
Is it bad that at the moment, while doing this, I'm watching Keeping Up With The Kardashions? I don't even like the Kardashions! Any of them, really. No offense to them, but I'm just not into that life. There's just so much drama and nothing else on tv!
34: Last person you talked to?
In person, it was me telling my dad "I told you so." And over the phone, it was chatting with a guy named Trevor. Tha's all I'm gonna say bout that.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
One of my bff's named Ali. Hehe;) And I said 'It's cool' because I couldn't get my permit the day i wanted to. Boring, I know, but you wanted it okay. 
36: Favorite food?
Who has a favorite food? I have a favorite kind of food which is Italian. Who doesn't love Italian food? 
37: Place you want to visit?
Easy, Peru. I have wanted to see Machu Picchu since I was in 6th grade. I studied the country 3 years in a row when I was in school voluntarily because I loved it so much.
38: Last place you were?
I really don't know what this could mean. Well the last place i visited was San Francisco and Oakland if that is what that is asking then yeah, those.
39: Do you have a crush?
Nope. Not at all because all the guys at my school and that live around me are jerks. I could have used better descriptions, but those weren't any bit appropriate.
40: Last time you kissed someone?
About 7 months ago-_- Don't judge.
41: Last time you were insulted?
Today by my sister. Erg, siblings.
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
Ummm okay...? I like vanilla stuff.I really don't know what they are referring to. If you get it, tell me in the comments.
43: What instruments do you play??
I play the flute and the piano. Yeah!
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
My cross necklace ->

Pretty simple.
45: Last sport you played?
Boxing, yes I'm a boxer.
46: Last song you sang?
'It takes a man' by Chris Young. Country all the way, y'all
47: Favorite chat up line?
I'm guessing they mean pickup line. So, none. Well, that's not true; Ali and I were goofing off on Tinder and she told me to tell this match, and I quote, "Hey you lie pepsi, I like pepsi, let's get married." That was pretty funny. I don't even like pepsi!
48: Have you ever used it?
Uh, yeah-_-
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
I hung out with Ali a few days ago.
50: Who should answer these questions next?
Um...I think Ian from Smosh on youtube should because we know a lot bout Anthony form him and Kalel's vlog channel, but we don't know hardly anything bout Ian. So if any of you know Ian Hecox, tell him lol:D

Okay guys, that's it. Hoped you liked it and if you think I should do any more tags let me know in the comments. Also, answer some of these questions in the comments because I want to get to know you guys! Ciao, lovelies:*

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My style-summer

This is relatively my style for this summer and it's great for just that (except for the scarf, I mean, come on). What do you guys think? I know it's pretty casual, but in the summer that's all that I really am. Show me your summer style in the comments or on twitter @amazedbyHH. Also, leave more suggestions and I will definitely look into them. Ciao! :*

Which number would you wear?

Which number would you wear? I think people would catch me in #'s 1,3, and 6. How bout you? comment your number and maybe explain why so I can get to know you guys better. Don't forget to follow me on twitter to get updates when I post so you don't miss on the fun! Ciao, lovelies! :*

How to beat summer boredom #1

Otay, my lovelies, this is the first part of my How To Beat Summer Boredom series. I got most of these ideas off of because I was stumped on this topic too when my friend asked me what we should do yesterday. And by looking at these I have found that you can bring out your inner child that EVERYONE has. So here we go.
#1 Beat The Heat

  • Go to the pool and play some pool games like Chicken (two people put one person on their shoulders and the two on the shoulders try to knock the other off with hands), Marco polo, play a sport in the pool like volleyball or basketball, swimming races, search for things on the bottom like pennies, or underwater acrobatics. 
  • Have water fights with water balloons or water guns.
  • Turn on the sprinklers and run through them and play games with the added challenge of a sprinkler. For example, tag, red rover, or hide-and-go-seek tag. You can also put the sprinkler under the trampoline and play games like crack the egg, and dead man.
  • You can always make a fort outside to keep you out of the shade too. You can use light sheets and chairs, tables, couch cushions, etc. Then you can lounge with maybe a cold beverage, fan, book, or just take a nap. 
  • This is something me and my neighborhood friend made up. We would ride our bikes up and down the street while one person would hold the hose and try spray us when we rode past the yard, then we would switch off every so often. that was a really great way to cool off. 
  • And of course there is always making Popsicles, chocolate covered fruit, and any frozen treats. What I like to do is put my yogurt in the freezer, YUM
Otay guys, I hope that gave you a little inspiration. On this part I just focused on beating the heat because there are so many things that can revolve around that topic, but I promise my next part is going to have a variety of topics. Of course, if you try any of these out be sure and let me know or if you have any suggestions, I love to read them. Follow me on twitter for updates on future posts. Ciao! :*

To keep informed

If you want updates of when I'll be posting and of what things you can look forward to then follow me on twitter @amazedbyHH. I almost always give a heads up before i post and heads up on what will be featured and coming up. Ciao! :*

Starbucks Secret Menu Reveled!

Sick of spending $3-4 everyday? well someone has found out secret ingredients to make our favorite starbucks drinks people! Here are just some of them. I looked into reviews of people who tried it and they say it really does taste like the drinks! I can't wait to try some of these out! Even though when I looked at the ingredients, they blew my mind because they are so crazy. I got all the recipes right here--->  Of course, if you try some of these or make your own creations, leave a comment of a picture or recommendation. And make sure if you have any suggestions leave them and I'll check them out. Ciao! :*
Cookie dough frappuccino!

Blackberry cobbler frappuccino!

And look they even have figured out how to make a Cap'n Crunch Frappuccino!